Hello, I'm Elisabet's son Philip, welcoming you to her site where you'll find much of her life's work freely available. My mother passed away on Dec 2nd, 2024, and I will be maintaining this site from here on. To contact me for further information, please click
here The site butterfly is an English Big Blue, almost extinct but now in revival! Click her for a wonderful story about metamorphosis borrowed from Norie Huddle's beautiful book
Butterfly, updated to be more scientifically accurate.
Internationally known as a dynamic speaker and media personality, Dr. Sahtouris was an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, author and consultant on Living Systems Design. She passed at the age of 88 in 2025.
Elisabet, Books, Articles, Media, Topics, Life Systems, Films, Elisabet Introduction, evolution, biology, futurist, Living Systems Design, inteligentl design, sustainable business,World Business Academy. A Walk Through TIme, Biology Revisioned, EarthDance
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